
Loading plugins redundantly and globally decreases the speed of your pages. It’s best to deactivate heavy plugins on pages where they’re not needed. JavaScript, CSS files, and SQL queries are then reduced during page load.

Selective deactivation means you can conditionally disable heavy plugins to speed up page load times.

A popular WordPress form plugin is installed on over 1 million WordPress websites. The favored culprit is Contact Form 7. It adds 37k page weight to all pages on your website. And a 79.9 millisecond delay. Everywhere. Even when the plugin is only used on one page – such as your contact page – the plugin “globally” slows down all pages. This “global” activation is even more problematic for heavier plugins like Google Maps or social media controls. We call global plugin activation “site drag.”

Lightweight: 2.3 millisecond load time. 13.1k package size.

Other form plugins are lighter and faster than Contact Form 7. But substitution isn’t the solution or our main concern. What if we absolutely needed to use Contact Form 7 plugin because there is a special addon plugin that gives us more extended utility (And, there are addons!) How can you prevent global loading?

We fix it with a plugin that restricts a heavy plugin to just the pages where it’s needed. SpeedSwitch plugin allows you to selectively activate or deactivate a plugin using the post or page URL, the address of a World Wide Web page.

Any residue database is removed on SpeedSwitch deletion. It won’t bloat your database. It works with PHP 7.4 and up. The first line of code is a security check.

DISCLAIMER: SpeedSwitch may not work on managed WordPress hosting like Pressidium or WP Engine. They don’t allow the one-time writing of plugin information to their servers. Not nice.


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